267 research outputs found

    N_f Dependence of the Quark Condensate from a Chiral Sum Rule

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    How fast does the quark condensate in QCD-like theories vary as a function of NfN_f is inferred from real QCD using chiral perturbation theory at order one-loop. A sum rule is derived for the single relevant chiral coupling-constant, L6L_6. A model independent lower bound is obtained. The spectral function satisfies a Weinberg-type superconvergence relation. It is discussed how this, together with chiral constraints allows a solid evaluation of L6L_6, based on experimental ππKKˉ\pi\pi-K\bar K S-wave T-matrix input. The resulting value of L6L_6 is compatible with a strong NfN_f dependence possibly suggestive of the proximity of a chiral phase transitionComment: 22 pages, 4 figures. A few improvements and corrections mad

    Chiral perturbation theory: a basic introduction

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    Chiral perturbation theory is a very general expansion method which can be applied to any dynamical system which has continuous global symmetries and in which the ground state breaks some of these spontaneously. In these lectures we explain at a basic level and in detail how such symmetries are identified in the case of the QCD Lagrangian and describe the steps which are involved in practice in the construction of a low-energy effective theory for QCD.Comment: Lectures given at the FANTOM study week, Emmen May 24-28 2004. 17 pages, 4figures. v2: eq. (62) correcte

    Unified dispersive approach to real and virtual photon-photon scattering at low energy

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    Previous representations of pion pair production amplitudes by two real photons at low energy, which combine dispersion theoretical constraints with elastic unitariy, chiral symmetry and soft photon constraints are generalized to the case where one photon is virtual. The constructed amplitudes display explicitly the dependence on the ππ\pi\pi phase-shifts, on pion form factors and on pion polarizabilities. They apply both for space-like and time-like virtualities despite the apparent overlap of the left and right-hand cuts, by implementing a definition of resonance exchange amplitudes complying with analyticity and consistent limiting prescriptions for the energy variables. Applications are made to the pion generalized polarizabilies, to vector meson radiative decays, and to the σγ\sigma\gamma electromagnetic form factor. Finally, and evaluation of the contribution of γππ\gamma\pi\pi states in the hadronic vacuum polarization to the muon g2g-2 is given, which should be less model dependent than previous estimates.Comment: 53 pages, 18 figure

    Virtual quarks, vacuum stability and scalar meson physics

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    Results are reviewed, which provide relations between the response (and eventual instability) of the chiral QCD vacuum to an increase of the number of massless quarks in the theory and the observed violations of the large NcN_c expansion in the scalar meson sector, by combining chiral perturbation theory expansions in msm_s with sum rule methods. An approach based on the construction of scalar form-factors was recently confirmed by an independent approach which uses the πK\pi K scattering amplitudes.Comment: 7 pages, Talk given at " Chiral fluctuations in hadronic matter international workshop", Orsay, September 26-28, 200

    Form factors of the isovector scalar current and the ηπ\eta\pi scattering phase shifts

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    A model for S-wave ηπ\eta\pi scattering is proposed which could be realistic in an energy range from threshold up to above one GeV, where inelasticity is dominated by the KKˉK\bar{K} channel. The TT-matrix, satisfying two-channel unitarity, is given in a form which matches the chiral expansion results at order p4p^4 exactly for the ηπηπ\eta\pi\to\eta\pi, ηπKKˉ\eta\pi\to K\bar{K} amplitudes and approximately for KKˉKKˉK\bar{K}\to K\bar{K}. It contains six phenomenological parameters. Asymptotic conditions are imposed which ensure a minimal solution of the Muskhelishvili-Omn\`es problem, thus allowing to compute the ηπ\eta\pi and KKˉK\bar{K} form factor matrix elements of the I=1I=1 scalar current from the TT-matrix. The phenomenological parameters are determined such as to reproduce the experimental properties of the a0(980)a_0(980), a0(1450)a_0(1450) resonances, as well as the chiral results of the ηπ\eta\pi and KKˉK\bar{K} scalar radii which are predicted to be remarkably small at O(p4)O(p^4). This TT-matrix model could be used for a unified treatment of the ηπ\eta\pi final-state interaction problem in processes such as ηηππ\eta'\to \eta \pi\pi, ϕηπγ\phi\to\eta\pi\gamma, or the ηπ\eta\pi initial-state interaction in η3π\eta\to3\pi.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures. v2: Some clarifications and corrections of typo

    Unified dispersive approach to γγππ\gamma^*\to\gamma\pi\pi and γγππ\gamma\gamma\to\pi\pi

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    A representation of the amplitude γ(q2)γππ\gamma^*(q^2)\to\gamma\pi\pi is proposed which combines large NcN_c chiral resonance Lagrangian modelling with general unitarity and analyticity properties. The amplitude is constrained from γγ\gamma\gamma scattering results and e+eγπ0π0e^+ e^- \to\gamma\pi^0\pi^0 measurements by the CMD-2 and SND collaborations. As an application, the contribution of the ππ+γ\pi\pi+\gamma states in the HVP contribution to the muon g2g-2 are reconsidered, taking into account the effect of the strong SS-wave ππ\pi\pi rescattering in a model independent way.Comment: 5 pages. To appear in the proceedings of "The International Workshop on e+e- collisions from Phi to Psi 2013", Rome sept. 201

    pi K scattering inputs to ChPT

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    Experimental information on low energy πK\pi K scattering would shed light on the poorly known OZI suppressed sector of ChPT. I describe recent work aimed at generating such information based on available experimental data by setting up and then solving with appropriate boundary conditions a non linear system of equations of the Roy and Steiner type. First results of this analysis are presented.Comment: Talk given at QCD'03 conference, 2-9 July 2003, Montpellie

    Dispersive evaluation of the second-class amplitude τηπντ\tau\to\eta\pi\nu_\tau in the standard model

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    We reevaluate the two form factors relevant for the ηπ\eta\pi second-class τ\tau decay mode, making systematic use of analyticity, unitarity, combined with updated inputs to the NLO chiral constraints. We focus, in particular, on the shape of the ρ\rho resonance peak which is a background-free signature of a second-class current. Its dispersive construction requires the ηπππ\eta\pi\to\pi\pi scattering amplitude which we derive from a family of Khuri-Treiman equations solutions constrained with accurate recent results on the η3π\eta\to3\pi Dalitz plot.Comment: Presented at the 12th International workshop on Tau lepton physics (TAU2012) in Nagoya, Japa